
Born 11/7/72, Italian American Bianca Trump appears in Backstage Pass, Bianca Trump’s Towers, Lather, and on the Jerry Springer Show, where she said she ran a high-class “Escort Service” of moonlighting porn actresses, catering to a rich celebrity clientelle in Hollywood. Bianca called herself “the new Heidi Fleiss” but “I’m not as stupid as Heidi Fleiss.”AFW’s Jeremy Stone disagrees. “Credit Bianca’s big mouth with getting her to the top of the dick sucking porn actresses who don’t know when to keep their mouths shut. She went on one of those TV talk shows where she bragged about being madam to a ring of call girls. Well, seems she messed with the wrong john in Florida, trying to roll him for a bunch of bills, ending up busted for her efforts. Maybe she’ll come back to porn once she’s made bail and this time let’s hope she keeps her mouth shut when she’s not sucking a dick.” (AFW PSA 9’5)With six older brothers and no sisters, Trump says she “had a wonderful childhood. I don’t hide anything from my family. We get along perfectly. They feel that I am an adult and I can make my own decisions and mistakes. They love me unconditionally.”I have no idea what I want to be when I am 40 years of age. I’m a live for the day kind of girl.”

Measuring 36DD-25-36, 5’6 and 125 lbs., Bianca appears in about 100 flicks. Married at age 18, she lost her virginity on her wedding night. After her husband left her, she began stripping at Déjà Vu in Spokane, Washington.With her roommate Mona Lisa, Bianca was discovered by Bobbi Brown’s ‘agent.’ Bobbi is a slim blonde beauty who appears frequently in mens magazines. Her boyfriend, says Bianca, plays an agent type.Bianca and Mona Lisa moved to LA and posed nude for Hustler, High Society and other magazines. Then the work ran out.”We had all these checks for the modeling from all these different banks, and out-of-state ID, so we couldn’t cash them. We didn’t even know where the banks were. So this sleazebag agent told us to sign the checks over to him and he would cash them for us, but what he did was split back to Canada with all our checks. But I remember talking to some woman who said we were lucky to have an agent, otherwise we might wind up at Word Modeling doing porno. So when the check thing happened, that’s exactly where I went.”I did my first movie that same day. I heard Jim South arguing with somebody on the phone about an actress not showing up on the set, so I put two and two together and told him I’d be glad to take her place. I must have argued with him for an hour-and-a-half before he finally gave me the address for the movie [Two of a Kind].”Bianca plays a biker chick in Beauty and the Beach. She says she has seen few of her own movies and has no favorites.Trump dislikes talking to all these “used car dealers” on the phone; producers and directors who try to talk her into cutting her day rate. Other pet peeves are directors who scream at her, and gossip “especially when it holds me back from more work.”From The (Fort Lauderdale) Sun Sentinel on Friday, June 9, 1995 on page B1: “She was an attractive, sharp-eyed escort whom Michael Beaulieu thought he’d paid in full last month at his apartment. But he paid a steeper price when the woman set him up for a home invasion robbery that turned ugly, police say.”On Thursday, police arrested two ex-convicts in the pistol-whipping robbery of Beauliea and a friend, Gary Zide, at Beaulieu’s home…”Also in custody were XXX [Bianca Trump], 22, a porn actress, who police say masterminded the robbery.”Detectives said XXX hatched the plan in May when Beaulieu, 34, employed her through an escort service and paid her $200 from a secret stash of cash tucked in a pile of newspapers in his closet.”According to police, Trump made a note of the location and assumed that Beaulieu kept a large amount of money there. She relayed the news to her escort driver who recruited two other young men, assuring them of an easy ripoff. But when the two broke into Beaulieu’s apartment, they only found $60. The robbers flew into a rage and threatened to kill Beaulieu and his friend before running away. Police caught them half an hour later, then tracked down the porn queen.”XXX, who was arrested on a prostitution charge by Pompano Beach police earlier this year, was immediately recognized by vice detectives who knew her by several aliases, including the stage name Bianca Trump, and kept a file on her, including a pornographic movie she starred in called Rent A Butt.” (The Sun-Sentinel)XXX says she was found not guilty at trial. She still works as an escort.Bianca told Gene Ross 9/23/99: Trump: “As the story goes, I went on a call. I made a comment to the driver of the service, because they didn’t let you go on calls by yourself, nor did I know the area at the time, that the guy was f—ing whacked. There’s a cancellation fee for not staying. He only had big bills, he was doing drugs. It was a very weird incident. I had to go out and ask the driver for change. The driver didn’t have change. He had to go get change. He came back. When I came back into the house the guy said what happened? What the f— was that all about.”I told the whole story to this driver and how this weirdo guy had money in a weirdo place. I left it at that. Three months down the line, apparently what happened is that the driver had some deadbeat friends, some career criminal guys, go to this guy’s house. They were looking for money in this strange spot. That tipped the guy in the house off.”When the police caught them they snitched out the driver. When he got arrested he proceeded to blame it all on me. He went to say it was all my idea. Because of this I don’t know why I still live here. They took me in for questioning. I admitted that I knew this scenario with this guy. It’s few and far between that I have bad instances with clients. The other two guys couldn’t pinpoint me or anything. But they held me. They held me without bond because I was new to the area. I didn’t have social roots here. I didn’t own a home or property. They considered me a flight risk. We took it to trial. I refused to put up a plea bargain. And I won. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was exonerated of all charges. It was a bulls— case, and a jury of six decided the same thing, that it was a bulls— case. The prosecutor even admitted to me saying it was all a media hype. He said he was doing his job and being pressured into doing it for the headline: “Porn Star Masterminds…” They couldn’t just drop it. I’m the only case this career criminal prosecutor has ever lost. They had no evidence. The guys involved all pleaded and went to jail. I had no further contact with them.” ( Bianca sets the record straight.From: (Bianca Trump)Date: Fri, Feb 20, 1998 01:25 ESTMessage-id: <rame.887956945p2144@bash>Ok so I’ll start by saying I indeed don’t know how to post perfectly but I’m doing my best. Where should I even start? First  I’d like to thank the 100’s of fans who emailed me to apologize for certain idiots behavior and show they’re support. I truly appreciate it. So since obviously more love me than hate me, I’ll return. But from this post on I won’t be acknowledging any flames. So if you want to be hostile pick on someone else.I’m going to start with what pissed me off and go from there.hopefully when i’m finished no one will have anything left to talk about. I do not have a gost writer. Someone commented on my grammar, spelling, etc. at times.I’m not the greatest at any of this. I just don’t always push the spell check button.Call me lazy. But, I’ll be sure to do it this time.About one certain idiot [Luke F-rd] that posted my real name. (you know who you are) I just really wish he didn’t do that. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of who i really am. I just think it would be nice if people stuck to what I give them.That being Bianca. It’s very hard for us performers to have a personal life.I enjoy mine and don’t approve of people spying in my personal life. My second point about it is that I know you’ve all heard of some of the sick weirdo stalkers performers have had to deal with at times. Need the have immediate access to pertinent information like that? Obviously they aren’t sane enough to dig real deep to get it.Ok’ the arrest. Yes I was arrested. So what. No i didn’t do it. I went to court and was found not guilty by a jury of 6. I choose to live in a state where i’m going to be exploited beyond a fair limit for anything I’m accused of. may i remind you of Kathy Willits. Florida is tough but I love the weather. Just because the client was some crazed crack head that was offended that I wouldn’t stay and entertain him I took the butt of the blame.I suppose no one ever heard about the hundreds of other girls he saw. And I’m sure it wasn’t published the the actual physical robbers worked for the service too.So see , I was not the only link to that man. I don’t condone drugs and I don’t do drugs and I don’t spend time with druggies no matter how much they want to pay me.So, I never robbed anyone or had anyone robbed. You can choose to believe me or not. I will however provide the court papers of the outcome to anyone who emails me with a fax number. That way no one has to strain there pea brains with public records. Beyond that I will no longer answer any more questions about this subject.To everyone that has something to say about my rates for escorting…(you know who you are).I guess your just jealous that no one would pay you as much sweetheart. I provide an excellent service for this price. Most come back for more. Those who can afford it that is. It’s not for everyone odviously.It’s not priced for everyone either. I’m not going to wear myself out for free. I think I’m well worth the price and then some. I don’t see anyone bitching about how much we get paid in videos and it’s far more. So get over it.I’m not here to sell anything or to get anything out of this. I enjoy giving my input and enjoy most of the responses.Some times I even learn things.So I’m a big girl I will gladly take constructive criticism but not flaming.Once again I thank everyone who supports me and I look forward to great conversations in the future.Bianca writes on RAME 9/8/98:I have spoke out before on this matter and now I have a new complaint. As I have said in the past “If I could go back and start my life over, I would NOT do porn”.This industry has a bad habit of exploiting young dumb desperate women. I am not fully blaming them for my involvement but they are to blame for blatantly ignoring my youth, inexperience, and stupidity. This industry is for a select few who are true exhibitionist and enjoy what they are doing. At 18 you haven’t even learned that yet. Those are decisions for mature adults.I choose to stay in the biz because I have matured into the lifestyle. And I now enjoy it to a certain degree. But it has in a way ruined my life. I will forever have this enormous skeleton in my closet. I now know that I am far too intelligent to have been selling my morals all these years. I could have been just as wealthy and productive using real talent and skills in another field. But, this is my life; my decisions and I try to make the best of it now.My major complaint and the reason why I’m so pissed off today. The pressure I felt at 18 to create the “Bianca Trump” look will forever affect me. I was made to feel that if I did not enhance my body I was somehow less worthy, less desirable, worth less $$. BULLs—. Again I take partial blame. Cosmetic surgery was ultimately my choice. But again young and dumb I did it to get the contract.Now here I sit 8 years later. No insurance. ( I was cancelled when silicone was outlawed.)I now suffer from an infected ruptured silicone implant. What did I do you ask? NOTHING. It simply deteriorated. Big deal you say? That’s what I thought. Go back to the doctor and get a new one. Not that simple.Between hospital bills, blood tests, plastic surgeon fees, x-rays, ultrasounds, and a MRI I have racked up $10,000.00 in bills and guess what? The ruptured implant is still in me. As I sit here surfing the net looking for questions and answers I am disgusted. The statistics are appalling. If I only knew then what I know now. I wouldn’t have massacred my body.Left with only a credit card. Which might I add the Surgeon doesn’t take. I can’t even afford to replace it and take the time off for recovery. But even worse off I don’t want to replace it. I want them removed. Unfortunately because of the condition of my original breast tissue and scarring required that doesn’t seem to be an option either.So what is my point besides sniveling and whining? There are too many women Young women entering the industry that have no concept about the LIFE LONG decisions they are making. Someone somewhere should do something about it.As for me I will survive somehow someway. And I will continue to do videos because this is the mistake I’ve made and I have to live with it As for me I will survive somehow someway. And I will continue to do videos because this is the mistake I’ve made and I have to live with it.Mike South adds: “While I certainly have compassion for Bianca here, I am not sure what the answer to this post is. For one thing lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater, not everyone in this biz believes that Silicone is an enhancement. I have never, nor would I ever suggest that anyone go under the knife unnecessarily and breast implants, for the most part,  are certainly not necessary.”I think Bianca’s post is best served as an example. If you are considering breast implants, read this post and educate yourself on what you are embarking on.”Nasty1 adds: “The vast majority of the video companies, agents, and dance agents consider breast augmentation a prerequisite for a woman to be in the business. When was the last time you saw a contract girl with natural breasts? The only one I can think of is Christy Canyon.”This is why many people in the industry are terrified of the internet. The performers finally have a voice and an audience that will listen to them.”Brandy Alexandre, retired porn actress, says: “Life is tough. It’s tougher when you’re stupid. I don’t think the industry does anything TO people. People put up with things equal to what they’re looking to get back out of it. It’s called capitalization, not exploitation.”It just so happens that the equilibrium finally fell one way and now she’s upset. Unless the girl never picked up a paper or watched the news in her entire life, I have no sympathy for her sudden cry of abuse in one form or another.”Montdlaw writes on RAME: “While a person’s body is ultimately their own responsibility, I believe it is both naive and self-serving to ignore this industry’s penchant for exploiting the young, the naive, the desperate and the broken.”Can it be stopped, likely not. Should it be. In my opinion no. The people making these decisions are of age and free to choose. I live with mine, you live with yours. Simply because they are not porn related doesn’t make them of less consequence or in many cases less horrific.”Once, at a party, I listen while four horrified people discussed the smuggling of cocaine in dead babies. As they past the coke jay they bemoaned the state of the world and the morals of the people who would commit such an act. They, like many here, are unwilling to face their role in the process.”The link between the consumer and the exploitation of the worker is a clear and strong one. To acknowledge it is to live with the paradox of modernity. To deny it is the worse kind of hypocrisy.”JMT writes on RAME: “It’s too bad that a copy of this post can’t be permanently affixed to the front door of every talent agency and plastic surgeon catering to the porn biz. But I wonder if it would do any good. What do you say, Bianca: when you were “young, dumb and desperate,” would *anything* have deterred you from getting into the business or from getting implants?”I hope that you will not let the “enormous skeleton” in your closet discourage you from pursuing whatever personal or professional objectives you may be interested in. For better or worse, this country is rapidly losing its sense of shame. Clinton is still in office, as is the bigmouth Republican congressman with the illegitimate kid; Marv Albert is going back to work; and people clamor to appear on Jerry Springer to make enthusiastic public confessions of conduct which, only a few years ago, they would have been desperately embarrassed to admit to even to their closest friends and family. So don’t worry too much about your past. Beyond superficial titillation, nobody much cares about anything anymore.”11/4/99Porn Stars Protect Their RightsPorn stars are combing the internet to protect their rights. Some have trademarked their names and are going after people who are profiting from the use of porn stars names, including in meta tags (invisible words on internet page coding that attract search engine selection).Over a year ago, Luke F-rd received a threatening letter from attorney Alan Gelbard on behalf of porn star Shyla Foxxx, claiming that my simply writing about her, using her name, was a violation of her trademarked name. Gelbard is trying to recruit porn star clients and is aggressively prosecuting this angle.Bianca Trump recently sent this letter to webmasters all over the internet who are using her name and image:Copyright VIOLATION NoticeThe Official Site of Bianca Trump All Contents Copyright 1990…1999 Bianca Trump. All Rights ReservedThe Official Site of Bianca Trump is the intellectual property of Bianca Trump and is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting prohibited. No material fromThe Official Site of Bianca Trump may be reproduced or republished without written permission of Bianca Trump , including the use of the name Bianca Trump (icluding META tags) ,as well as any images of me, as my right to publicity is likewise reserved. Items placed for usage by viewers ofThe Official Site of Bianca Trump are retained in right by Bianca Trump .Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of these pages, or any portion thereof, may result in civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.The Official Site of Bianca Trump nor any affiliate or subsidary thereof will be responsible for third party material linked byThe Official Site of Bianca Trump . I demand you to cease and desist any business affiliations or practices involving this name or this web site within 24 hours. If you refuse to do so you will leave me no choice but to pursue you legally.Sincerely, Bianca Trump B.T. Productions Inc. A copy of this letter has been forwarded to my attorney at Law Mr. Sidney Fleishman , Ft. Lauderdale, FL.When Luke received this notice, he sent Bianca an email. She replied: “was just cut and pasting to all sites in search engines didnt know that addy was you tecnicallt the name alone in print is enough but never mind. It wasnt intended for you”MegaMe writes: Just had to write in to comment on the cease and desist orders issue you posted. Bianca and others may find they don’t have a leg to stand on regarding the name issue.I am not a lawyer, and don’t pretend to know everything there is to know about intellectual property law, but it is my understanding that if Bianca and others want to copyright or trademark their name, they are free to do so…actually…not completely sure if you can copyright an individual name…perhaps a real attorney would have more info on that…but…even if they could copyright or trademark it…they would be required to pursue any and all individuals or entities who used the copyright or trademark without specific permission. If they don’t, they would lose their right to pursue it. Meaning…They would have to go after you, AVN, any magazine or website that uses their name. Not just certain website who use the name in a metatag. Images are another issue altogether.I’d be interested to get more info from a real attorney about these issues. I believe however, that Bianca and others are a bit misguided in this. Let’s face it…if this were possible, the National Enquirer and Time, People, even the New York Times would be in big trouble. Sorry, Bianca, but your name is in the public domain, and you are a public figure. The first time you signed a model release, you gave up a whole lot of rights to privacy and such. Let’s hear from some lawyers on this.12/05/99Bianca Trump Replies To Her CriticsBianca Trump told Luke in chat Sunday morning: “Although I am a few days late…. I have a job….unlike others who keep up every day I would like to comment. My messages to you were not emailed…they where in chat that is why I can’t use a spell checker. Not that I would bother. I am a lazy speller. I know that. Nor do I ever bother with all the appropriate punctuations. I have a job a life and thousands of emails to answer. I don’t have time to fuss and fiddle with the Appropriate speach speal that BA does all day. She unlike me has hours to waste thinking up the perfect big words to try and put me down.”I on the other hand am NOT trying to impress anyone. I don’t have the time or the patience to care what these people think of me or my spelling. I don’t feel I need the proper letter format to gain what I have in life. And I have proved that. And finally thanks I NEVER begged for money on my site for my boobs. And I had saved for a rainy day. thanks At that point I owned 1 corperation, 1 website, 1 car, 1 house. not done yet I spent my savings on boob complications. But I have since than….( 1 year later) recouped my savings through hard work and sweat and bought 4 more sites, one more car, one more house, and another corperation I NEVER said life was easy but I do work very hard for what I gain rightfully. I am not the one sitting around crying that I have no job and sucking unemployment off of taxpayers. Who is the one having the pity party? At least I am strong enough to pull myself out of the dirt when I am down. Ok Luke done now oh and buy the way I just bought 5 1/4 acres.”BrandyAlx1: If BT would spend less time stalking and harssing people she’s jealous of, she could channel that energy into making herself (possibly) more literate and socially adept. As it is, what is the search engine for? Everything on her site is misspelled and it would make her visitors have to run innumerable searches trying to guess how she spelled what they are looking for.BrandyAlx1: BTW, the misspellings of all the porn star names I quoted back from her META are hers, not mine. BrandyAlx1: Overall, however, BT’s latest comments indicate she admires my literary qualifications, and that I’d like to personally thank her for pointing out my brilliance and being my fan.Nice Jewish Girl writes: Not wanting to jump into the fray between BT and BA, however I feel I must comment upon BT’s spelling. She may have been born in California, where for almost 20 years it has been the policy of the State Of California to de-emphasize spelling and writing because they are considered racist. In fact, children were not taught how to sound out words here, they were taught to identify whole words from the beginning. It was called Whole Language learning and was a complete disaster. There is are whole generations of kids not knowing how to read and write very well because of the politically correct policies of the state. Teachers were forced to teach spelling and sounding out words on the sly. In addition, the classics are currently not being taught because it is once again being thought of as racist, so instead of Dickens and Doestoevsky we are getting Amy Tan, etc. And also, we must also address the fact that in California schools it is more important to teach kids tolerance of gay people in kindergarten, and how you get HIV. If you think I’m kidding, I’m not.Bianca Trump writes: Ok I guess I will respond again. I was not educated in California. I admitted my spelling was horrid….what the hell more do you people want from me? So what, who cares. I will never be in a secretary so whats the big deal? I’m a porner. Not a college professor. Get over it already. And why no excuse for sucking blood from us tax payers? What about BA’s pity party and how she blatantly asks for DONATIONS on her main page of her site?Luke: “Is it really necessary for porn stars to spell properly so long as they produce good whack material? Discuss amongst yourselves and Email Luke. Luke tends to the view that so long as these girls can suck the chrome off a bumper, their spelling and grammer are of secondary importance.”Delaney Daniels: “Unless a girl is spelling out ‘please f— me harder’ wrong diring a scene, who cares if they can spell or not.”Luke: ” Yes, but what kind of message does that send to the children?”From Brandy’s website, an impeccably spelled appeal for money: “This web site is absolutely free! I do, however, put a lot of thought, time and effort into it and would be justified in commercializing it, but I’d simply rather not. I’ll only kindly ask from anyone who enjoys this page, and wants it to be able to remain for a long time, to contribute any amount they feel is fair for what they get out of it. A lot of you have sent a few bucks so I don’t feel as though I’m doing this for nothing. To those few I say thank you. 🙂 See FAQ #12 for the address to send your donation if you wish.”Bianca: “I want to know why she can beg fir donations on her site and collect unemployment……and you dont print it.”I vote someone get the cunt a job as a proof reader so she can stop leaching off the taxes I pay!”Robinson: On the subject of Porn Star Spelling Ability: I watched a recent Howard Stern show starring former Penthouse Pets in a contest of knowledge. If they failed to answer a question correctly, they had to first show their breasts and, then, drop their pants to be spanked. Janine Lindemulder failed to identify the country in which the Bay of Pigs debacle occurred and later WAS UNABLE TO SPELL THE WORD “BICYCLE.” I s— you not. She did, however, take her spanking like a champ.Some Goof in Alabama writes: I remember an old commercial that began “people judge you by the words you use.” If Ms. Trump is going to force herself on us in a non-sexual way on your site, she should spell and punctuate properly. Or as long as she’s so damn wealthy, hire someone to do it for her. As long as I’m on the subject of Ms. (shudder) Trump, I suggest Santa Claus give her a life for Christmas. Same to Mr. Albo (interesting he hasn’t said much you printed that 1995 HVEG excerpt from him telling porn stars to not be so sensitive to his insults. 😉 Any other thoughts on what porn folk would ideally get for Christmas? My number one pick would be a time machine so I could have nipped the breast enhancement craze in the bud.Fred Jew writes: Sir: I take issue with the notion that porn stars should be able to get away with spelling incorrectly. I agree with you completely, that these women (and men) are role models that we all look up to. I find it outrageous that we are bombarded with incorrect conjugations, split infinitives, and grown men and women who would have the temerity to end a sentence with a preposition. (Actually, I think this comes from trying to end too many sentences with a proposition.)However, being subjected to incorrect spelling is too much. Our youth look up to these people. They idolize these people, and aspire to be porn stars one day. How will we be able to encourage our youngsters to learn correct spelling and grammar if their heros and role models fail to attend to such things properly.My solution to the problem is that henceforth, Max Hardcore, John Stagliano, Rob Black, etc. ought not hire anyone who cannot provide a diploma from an accredited four year college. People like Annabel Chong (Univ. of So. Cal.), Nina Hartley (SF State), Jasmine St. Claire (Columbia or NYU, depending upon which highly unreliable web page you read), Veronica Hart (Univ. of Nevada), Ron Jeremy (Hindenburg University of Dirigible Technology, Phys. Ed. and fitness major), Jamie Gillis (Columbia), and others should be held up as the standard to which we should all aspire (or perspire, depending upon your perspective). (L–you frequently post religious backgrounds of porn stars. I think you should start posting college degrees.)Now I don’t think a college degree is the be-all and end-all of porn qualifications. For example, as I have observed before, Ms. Carrera (Rutgers drop-out, but good SAT scores) spells impeccably and without grammatical flaw. Ms. Alexandre exhibits similar abilities. Thus, I think the adult entertainment industry should offer an exam so that otherwise qualified people can attain a position in adult entertainment. After all, President Truman did not have a college degree, and neither did Lincoln. If we are willing to permit non-degreed people to become president, I suppose I’m willing to let non-dgreed people become porn stars. It’s bad enough that the NCAA has athletes who bypass the normal SAT score requirements. Sir, it is time for the adult industry to put its foot down and set an example for America.DowJones writes: Hey Luke: I just wanted you to know that Bianca Trump is very loose with the truth. I have followed her site for a long time and she did cry about being broke and needing money to fix her boobs. I have followed her for a while and I think she is not only lying to you, but also lies to herself with all her delusions of grandeur.Lord Peter Luther Christian writes:Dear Mr. Ford:I am surprised that you do not recognize interest in proper spelling for what it is: a surrogate for a much more sinister desire. In this modern day of spell checking programs, there is little interest in proper spelling as a skill. Oh, on occasion, a public personage will stub his tow when asked to spell a common word (you spell it potatoe, I spell it potato); but generally it is a non-issue.With one exception. The national spelling bee. This event is given much coverage by the press. And who gets to participate in this event? Generally, prepubescent boys and girls. Need I spell this out for you? Porners who spell well and advertise the fact are trying to appeal to those of their “fans” whose interest in the National Spelling Bee is less than wholesome. In short, Mr. Ford, beware the porner who can spell!Bianca Trump writes: I never lied. I did in fact say that I spent all my savings on booby problems…..what part of that didn’t make sense to him? I never said all fans send me money for nothing…. Nope, never, not even once. I even returned all monies for private videos since I couldnt do them. I unlike others update my site every day. Dear Diary is full of hard cold facts. Some may not want to hear what is going on in my life every day. But a mass majority do. If he doesn’t want to hear my problems maybe he should stop reading my site every day. I share all the good news as well as the bad. Like it or not, it’s my site. I can do that.Gary writes: Hey, I agree, porn stars don’t need to know how to spell. But when they start bragging about how “smart” they are, they need to give us some confirmation. We all make typos, but the final conclusion is that Bianca Trump may not be STOOPID, just UNEDJUKATED.1/14/2000Bianca Trump writes on “I still make movies and escort with or without a man. I am very open about who I am and intend on changing for no one. I made 8 videos in 99. I am off to LA in FEB. to do my first one for 2000 for Wicked.”1/24/01Bianca Trump writes: There is an article being written in the Palm Beach Post about me either on the am paper or the day after. It seems my stalkers plan to destroy me in my community backfired on her only to make me out to be the good and lawful person I am….Tell her thanks for all the additional traffic I will be getting! The mold about what people think porn stars are has finally been broken. Little did anyone know how involved I am politically in this community. I am an asset to this neighborhood. And with the 100’s of letters faxes and emails the staff writer got during his investigation………..the only thing that has come of this is good.BrandyAlx> Did Bianca Trump and Sunset Thomas have a spat? The escorting, appearance, and webcam pages are all off Bianca’s web site after heavy promotion of the two of them together.Luke says: I’ve talked to Bianca and she denies any spat between her and Sunset Thomas. They’re off Tuesday evening to a tittie bar to have drinks with porner Jim Gunn.Listen here to my conversation with Bianca.Bianca: “Maybe you should take Brandy’s thing down… Sunset’s standing half naked in front of me. We certainly aren’t in any kind of spat. We’re still doing our thing.”Sunset yells in the background: “I am going to come beat you [Bianca] up. I can’t stand you, you cunt.”Bianca laughs: “She’s f-cking with me. She’s trying to live up to the rep going on now.”No, those things were just taken down because of the newspaper articles tomorow. I don’t think that was pertinent information that all of Palm Beach County needed to be seeing. If my community wanted to outlaw me, that was one thing, but I thought it was tasteless to involve her in it. I deserve my privacy…”Luke: “What’s the article about?”Bianca: “Somebody sent an email to all the city commissioners who in turn said there was nothing they could do about all of her activities. She’s not breaking the law. She then sent it to the Palm Beach Post that started an investigation about me. Accusatiosn that I was running a brothel and a studio of live sex shows out of my home.

“So, once the guy doing the investigation was able to speak to people at city commission meetings which I attend, and was able to speak to people in my community. I am a board member of the association [in Palm Beach]. And he was inundated with the fact that everybody knows what I do for a living and nobody could give two s—s. They still consider me an asset to the community. And how politically involved I am and how much political work I do within this community. Nobody had anything but positive things to say to me.”So it started as a slander article… Hold on one sec, this phone has not stopped in two days… It has basically turned into an article where, God forbid, porn stars can be normal people and involved in politics and do good worthy things in their community and be fine people that people respect. And they’re plugging the website and the whole nine yards and they graciously are not going to print my address or my real name. And they’re doing a big front page article about it. Apparently the Sun Sentinel has been calling, and what’s to pick up something on it, as well as the Miami Herald.”It’s blown up, chaotic, and made people be outside my house. The reporters and Entertainment Tonight… I’ve scheduled a press conference for tomorrow morning. It was the only way I could get people out of my community. Get these people out of my fricking street.”It’s a little bit of a touchy weird subject because of the community I live in. We are one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the country. I live blocks from Donald Trump. It’s not a normal thing for a girl like me to be in a house like this in a neighborhood like this.”Luke: “What’s your involvement in the community?”Bianca: “I am the association representative. I go to all the City Commission meetings. And I deal directly with code enforcement and our neighborhood…officers and I write out newsletter.”Put that Sunset and I are all booked up… We’re busy already so there’s no sense doing any more advertising. We’re on good terms and getting ready to head out to a titty bar with Jim Gunn and have a few cocktails.”Sunset’s so innocent. She says, ‘I don’t understand why somebody would put on there that we’re fighting. Why?’ That’s Brandy honey. We’ve been best friends since we got in the business nine years ago…”Brandy writes: “It was just a question. Someone wrote to me and said that her hooker pages were all down and I knew there was some promotion about her and Sunset doing a tag team so I thought it was odd. Just curious. Gee, Sunset sounds just like Jenna Jameson. Do they think men admire women who run around threatening to beat people up and calling them vulgar names? I thought Sunset had class. I have always said nice things about her and only thought her choice in friends was questionable, and now it sounds like running with the wrong crowd is rubbing off on her. What a shame.”Amused writes: I chuckled when I read Bianca Plump’s claim that she was a “lawful person.” Which Florida community legally allows Bianca to exchange sex for money?Princess Of Porn Sparks Zoning QuestionsBy Marc Caputo, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 24, 2001WEST PALM BEACH — The new girl on the block charges $1,000 an hour for a date and calls herself “The Italian Princess of Porn.”And neighborhood leaders in Northwood Hills say they don’t care.What stole their hearts wasn’t “Bianca Trump’s” 220 adult movies or the $40 she charges for an intimate glimpse of her on the Internet. Instead, the 28-year-old, who asked that her real name not be published, became the neighborhood darling by cleaning up the streets, reporting code enforcement violations and publishing the neighborhood newsletter. Read On1/26/01Porn Princess Not Running Illegal Web Business From HomeBy Marc CaputoWEST PALM BEACH — The self-styled “Italian Princess of Porn” is not operating an illegal Web-based business from her home, city code officers have decided.At one time, the Web site maintained by actress “Bianca Trump” had offered customers a glimpse of live sex acts from her Northwood Hills house or the chance to book a $1,000-an-hour date. The Palm Beach Post is withholding her legal name.Were she really operating the live-sex business directly from her home, Trump would have had to apply for an occupational license. City law forbids people from operating escort services from home, officials said.”She said her business is conducted elsewhere and we believe her,” Bill Staples, the city’s supervisor of permits and licensing, said Thursday.Staples said code officers never went inside her home to see if there were cameras for Webcasts. He said Trump spoke to a code officer by telephone.Trump is well-known in her community for her efforts patrolling the gentrifying neighborhood for code violations. Until a recent complaint lodged by an anonymous resident against her, Trump was known in her area for her good works, not for her 220 adult movies. Read OnPorn To Serve Her CommunityBy Frank CerebainoA porn star dedicated to neighborhood improvement. I’d trade a couple of speed humps for a zealous porn star on the block.You don’t find many home-improvement-minded porn stars. It’s true, their movies frequently feature landscapers. But the yard work is invariably interrupted before much gets done.Being a movie star in this genre isn’t the kind of job one would associate with a passion for set-back requirements, median plantings, and building code savvy.So it’s no wonder that Bianca Trump’s Northwood Hills neighbors think she’s a terrific asset to the neighborhood. Naysayers might point out that she’s just fixing up her place to make it better suited to tape the live sex acts that had been advertised on her Web site.But isn’t that what they say about everybody who does work on their house? Read On1/31/01Bianca Trump posts on this AVN message board: Seeking male models for soft and hardcore web work. Please see my bio [] for site for more info about me. The photos would be shot with me. At this time I am in need of YOUNG, WHITE,MUSCULAR, pretty boy types. Please email a head shot, full body, and nude. Anyone not fitting this description will be deleted from my email and will never be considered for future work when I need other types of models. Time is money please don’t waste mine. Models must be available in the South Florida Area.Bianca Trump AKA Wendy Christine Iwanow Has Been A Busy GirlThe Spokane Spokesman Review, February 3, 2005:Police detectives arrested a Spokane woman after finding evidence in her home of forged checks, fake driver’s licenses and three firearms, authorities said.Believing guns were in the home illegally, the department’s SWAT team executed a search warrant at 917 E. Rockwell, where they found 32-year-old Wendy Christine Iwanow, said Spokane Police Department spokesman Dick Cottam.Detectives found several computers that had software used to produce fraudulent financial paperwork and numerous types of identification and stolen Social Security cards, Cottam said.Detectives also have security photographs allegedly showing Iwanow cashing fraudulent checks.Iwanow’s work was fairly sophisticated – except for one driver’s license that included the spelling “licence,” Cottam said.During the search, officers found a rifle and two handguns. Because Iwanow is a convicted felon, she can’t legally possess firearms. She was charged with forgery and unlawful possession of a firearm, Cottam said.“Tattoo Wendy” Accused of Kidnapping and Attempted Murder (March, 2005)David Vernoy says he was picked up and driven to the home because Iwano wanted to talk about some of her missing property. Once inside, Vernoy says he was beaten with a tire iron. The man says he was then tied up with duct tape and locked into a crawl space for 12 hours. When he managed to escape, he says Iwano attacked him.Detectives say Vernoy had helped rip off Iwano’s garage and that the beating that broke bones and required forty sticthes was pay back for the burglary.May 5, 2005: Spokane County Marriage licenses:Jason E. Childs and Wendy C. Iwanow, both of Spokane.The Spokane Spokesman Review, June 30, 2005:Spokane Valley police found three golf-ball sized quantities of methamphetamine in a woman’s purse Sunday after pulling over the car she was a passenger in to arrest the driver on a warrant.A majority of the drugs were discovered when the 32-year-old woman dumped out her purse to show she didn’t have a weapon, Spokane Valley police spokesman Cpl. Dave Reagan said. Wendy Christine Iwanow, 4422 N. Center Road, was charged with possession of meth.About 4:15 a.m., an officer stopped a Chevrolet Camaro on East Sprague Avenue after discovering the driver had an outstanding warrant for resisting arrest. Bobby G. Mason, 40, was taken into custody on the warrant. The officer then identified the woman as someone who had been armed with a firearm during previous contact with police and began checking her for a weapon, Reagan said. She dumped her purse out, drugs and all, on the hood of the car. She didn’t have a pistol, but in addition to the three meth balls, she also had a drug cutting agent. Mason and Iwanow were both booked at Spokane County Jail.
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